
All about our federation

Welcome to our Internet website, where we feature almost every detail of our current cycle, the Members, the Committees, the Strategy, the Coming Events, the plan with the Covid-19, Picture and Video Galleries, a Timeline Portfolio and much more...


Our Gymnastics Federation dates back to 1923 and has faced many sucess and drawback stories, and latley in the very recent years it encountered countless problems that basically froze it's progress & slowed any improvement. And ever since Dr Ehab Amin was elected as President, almost all difficulties & problems were solved and his vision made everyone to work to the progress and growth of the Egyptian Gymnastics Federation.


Despite that Dr Amin is in his early forties he has earned many titles beside the Presidency of the Egyptian Gymnastics Federation, he is a member of board of the Egyptian Olympic Committe , President of the African Gymnastics Union and also International Federation Council Member..

His vision is to increase awareness both locally and internationally, organizing international events – competitions, training courses, judging courses, training camps, participating in countless international tournaments and world cups, even in all our local events, he insured that the latest state of the art technology was used , moreover he was invited to many TV shows, were he talked about the game,the gymnasts,the achievements etc…

His mission is to motivate all Federation and Committee members to work together as one big teamwork group to improve, develop, and advance the Gymnastics in Egypt. He believes in the moto

“First dream then make the dreams come true”

Finally these days we were hit by the Panademic Covid-19 ( Corona virus ) and all schedules and plans have changed, but with the guidelines of our beloved Country President, the Minister of Sports and the Olympic Committee we will certainly overcome this problem.

As our priority is the wellbeing and safety, of all our gymansts and our gymnastics family, please stay tuned and check often our website for new staysafe guidelines.


We are proud of our Egyptian collegue Ms ABOU SHABANA Noha being the Presidentof the International Gymnastics Federation RG Technical Committee.

' If you beleive it , you can acheive it '
